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Writer's pictureRegion II of ICC


ICC Region II Treasurers Report: December 2019

Cody Gunn Region II Treasurer


Happy New Year Region II! We are wrapping up the year looking very positive with a strong base to build off of. We still have some money trickling in from the training event but we are close to receiving all of the income for this event. We have also officially split our accounts to create sub accounts for both military family’s program and the Safety 2.R program. This will make it so we can more easily see what money is earmarked for what. I am also working on compiling all the pertinent information regarding our accounts, log ins, and other Treasurers duties so that they can be passed down and built on by future Region II Treasurers. December was not a busy month for us, with the holidays, so we did not have any expenses coming out of our accounts or checks to approve. Below is an overview of our accounts. As always if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas in regards to Region II’s financial health please feel free to contact me.

Cody Gunn RII Treasurer

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