ICC Region 2 Monthly Meeting November 10, 2021
1. Presidents opening comments “The Next Step”
2. Introduction of Region 2 Board, roll call.
3. Acceptance of previous meeting minutes, October 13, 2. 021
4. Treasurer’s report, Ted Zuk.
5. Welcome to BOD, ICC Update, and comments - Jim Sayers, Dave Spencer, Jim Brown, …
6. ICC Liaison – ICC Update – Kraig Stevenson.
7. Old business- Nominations for Director at large positions, Website maintenance and content
update, Committee Policy update.
New business- Call for committees.
8. Regional Updates – Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska.
9. Comment for the good of the order.
10. Next meeting, December 8th, 10:00 AM PST.
11. Adjournment.
Topic: ICC Region II
Time: Nov 10, 2021 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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