Good afternoon everyone,
Please see below for our meeting minutes from last month, our agenda for tomorrow, and our official 2019-2020 Call to Committees form.
ICC Region II - Teleconference
February 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Immediate Past President: Jack E Applegate, Oregon (541) 484-9080 JackA@nwcodepros.com
President: Mark Panilo, Alaska (907)267-4975 PaniloMM@ci.anchorage.ak.us
Vice-President: Russell Murphy, Montana (406)853-5084 Rgmurphyco@gmail.com
Treasurer: Cody Gunn, Montana (406)698-3936 gunnc@ci.billings.mt.us
Secretary: Stephanie Jacobson, Oregon (503) 742-4473
Meeting called to order by President Mark Panilo at 10:02 a.m. Pacific Standard Time
Attending on the call:
Name: Representing or Calling From:
Russell Murphy Region II Vice President (MT)
Cody Gunn Region II Treasurer (MT)
Stephanie Jacobson Region II Secretary (OR)
CJ Marincus Region II Director at Large (OR)
Sam Steele Region II Director at Large (WA)
Cache Olson Region II Director at Large (ID)
Kraig Stevenson ICC Government Relations
Chris Ochoa ICC Government Relations
David Spencer ICC Board of Directors
Jim Brown ICC Board of Directors
Greg Wheeler ICC Board of Directors
Ron Hampton ICC Board of Directors
Jim Sayers ICC Board of Directors
Mike Boso ICC Board of Directors
Bryan Smith WA
Rick Benton MT
George Daily ID
Charlie Allen ID
Trace Justice WA
Micah Chapelle WA
Jtinder Kokar WA
Gary Schenk WA
Call to order:
Presidents opening comments: Russell: Mark is in training with AFB and Core of Engineers State of Alaska fire and building official forum at the end of February 25-27th David Spencer will be in attendance and so will Kraig Stevenson. They will be discussing the upcoming amendments for the municipality of Anchorage, in prevalence of assisted living facilities in single family dwellings and the needs/ risks associated with that.
Previous and continuing business:
1. Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve – Cody Gunn, second – Jim Brown.
2. Approval of Treasurers Report – Final payments are in from training, $6,324.77 which covered most of our operating expenses. Military Families $3175, Safety2R $5828, checking $8207, for a total of $17,211.60. Motion to approve – Cody Gunn, second – Stephanie Jacobson.
3. ICC Board Member Comments:
1. Greg Wheeler – Delay in opening Dubai office. Now April 1st. NEHB contacted ICC with energy code items that were disapproved at code action hearings and public comment hearings, but CB access all passed. Met with them at International Builders Show, we told them to submit in writing and we would get back to them with what we found out. Membership Councils and board liaisons will be meeting in Atlantic City.There will be no board meeting this time Energy Code Membership Councils meetings in Atlantic City. Start planning for BSM. Next meeting June 8thin Denver, in conjunction with ICC Leadership Academy June 8-10th.
2. Jim Sayers – IDABO conference last week, legislative session that could be attended, meet & greet with 20 or so legislators and the governor showed up and had the opportunity to talk about adoption of 2018 codes.
3. Jim Brown – Has been doing with the audit and investment committees.
4. David Spencer – Honorary membership application is open and closes on March 15th to be presented at ABM. Applicaton is available on ICC website and should be submitted to Karla Higgs. Spoking With Chemeketa Community College and their Building Safety Program on the importance of building codes, what ICC does, and what it means to be a building official in this generation. David clarified that for the honorary membership it does not say that an individual has to be retired to qualify.
5. Ron Hampton – ICC chapter annual report deadline March 15th. Call for nominations for ICC awards nominations April 1st.
6. Mike Boso – Joined the call late, but just wanted to let everyone know he always enjoys being on the call.
4. Partner Comments:
1. Charlie Allen – Thanks to Jim Sayers for attending IDABO event.
2. Jim Sayers – Charlie Allen was awarded IDABO building official of the year award. Congrats!
3. Chris Ochoa – AnnMarie Rogers scholarship deadline is April 1st. Chris and Jim will be at Chemeketa in April. OBOA had a great QBM. Shout out to all of Region II, was at East Bay chapter recently and was told by new Chapter president how impressed he is with what Region II is doing as far as raising money for our Military Families program and will be spearheading something similar.
4. David Spencer – Shout out to Jim Brown, for the work he has done as far our Safety2.R and Military Families program along with Jack Applegate.
5. Kraig Stevenson – Montana March 16-20 educational annual meeting, Montana Chapter meeting Monday Night. “ICC family of solutions.” ICC doesn’t just do codes anymore, they offer a whole family of solutions.
5. State/ Regional Comments:
1. Russel Murphy – Dennis Hirsch won’t be available to be on the call today, but says hello. March 16-19th Montana annual conference and educational seminar. Chapter meeting Monday evening at 5:30, cost for registration is $100.00.
2. Cody Gunn – Would like to invite everybody out toe Montana educational event. We would like to get together a list of when state chapters are having big meetings so we can have representation. Get them together to be posted to website.
3. Cache Olson: IDABO institute went great, well attended. Legislative session was well attended and those were happy who got a selfie with Governor. Code adoption update –2018 IBC, IRC, IMC, IFGC, IECC voted through so they will go through the process of adoption. . Normal inspector luncheon Feb 19th, discussing troubleshooting of concrete. Needs to formally request RII pins – Cody will send.
4. Trace Justice – WABO annual education institute March 23rd for 5 days, had to add additional days because it’s been so popular. You can view info on WABO.org, Also, ABM in July 30-31st. Would like to show appreciation for Mark Johnson working with them as far as getting state amendments into the codes. They’re still waiting for final approval but Mark has been great to work with.
New Business:
1. Jim Brown – 2021 IPC/IMC now available.
2. Russell Murphy – Call to committees will be sent out soon, for everyone who is interested in signing up. Hoping to have a list sent out in the next 10 days.
3. David Spencer – Do we have a list of previous committees/ chairs? Created “Bible” of Region II, is that still passed along? – Yes, it is.
4. Sam Steele – Received a request for help from an inspector in Alaska about getting some relief and help as a building official. They’re looking to hire someone on a 3 week basis. He put the info out to Jack and Mark and has his contact info for anyone who thinks they may be able to help out with that.
Open Discussion:
Adjournment: Motion to close Cody Gunn, second Stephanie Jacobson meeting adjourned at 10:42 PST.
Stephanie Jacobson
Region II Secretary

MEETING AGENDA FOR: March 10, 2020 Teleconference
The teleconference number is: 1-844-740-1264. Conference ID# 93613298. The call will commence at 11:00 am Mountain Time, 10:00 am Pacific Time, 9:00 am Alaska Time.
Please mute your telephone until you intend to speak. Also, please request to comment through the President and identify yourself before speaking.
Call to Order:
Presidents Opening Comments: Mark
Previous and Continuing Business:
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Treasurers Report- Cody
3. ICC Board Members Comments
4. State and Regional Chapter Comments
5. Partner Comments- ICC Staff
New Business:
1. Committees
2. Building Safety Month
3. Annual Reports
4. Chapter Leadership Academy
Open Discussion:

ICC Region II President’s Call for Committees 2019/2020
Please read the descriptions of the committees available for volunteering opportunities. Please add your name to the committee you would like to be involved with and identify any committee you are interested in chairing or serving as the co-chair.
The chair is responsible for scheduling and running the meetings, and ensuring monthly reports are delivered no later than 2 business days prior to our monthly meetings. Vice chairs will run the meeting in the absence of the Chair and typically write the committee reports, but that will be the choice of the committee. Region II will provide the call-in service information for the chairs to use to conduct the phone meetings. Volunteering for more than one committee is fine and encouraged. Please note many of our committees involve minimal time commitments each month.
I strongly encourage State and regional local chapter officers to assign one volunteer to serve on the Liaison/Steering committee to help provide information on regional activities to the chapters and to also hear about concerns and activities within our member states they can report back to our board.
Please add:
Name ______________________________________
Phone Number _________________________________
Email Address__________________________________________
Then fill in your name and preference of committee: member, vice chair or chair.
1) Code Development Committee – Works with member states and chapters to evaluate code changes and promote code change activities that benefit the region and ICC.
2) Candidate Nomination/Awards Committee – Helps select Region II candidates for recommendation on the ICC Board, selects lifetime honorary member nominations, assists President in picking special awards. Chair attends the WPLBO meeting on behalf of Region II.
3) Education Committee– Helps to use the ICC Education benefit, picks state or local chapter to use benefit so proceeds can help fund Region II activities. Works on advancing education opportunities within our region.
4) Liaison/Steering Committee- Helps to promote region II among other states and regions across the country. Chooses committee members to act as a liaison between other regions and chapters by attending phone conference meetings of other organizations. Looking for 5-7 members this year
5) Outreach/Social Media and Membership Committee – Monitor and maintain activity on the Region II social media platforms and guides communication to the membership through our various means available.
6) Budget Committee— (Cody Gunn, Chair as treasurer) Monitors budget and works with Teri Ottens to ensure the finances are monitored and health of the budget is maintained.
7) Spotlight the Permit Tech- Continues to find ways to promote and spotlight the activities of permit technicians across the country, works on training opportunities and certification activities within Region II, maintains STPT website.
8) Safety 2.R Committee - Continue to advance the Regional Shadow program and develop the outreach efforts to promote the program across the nation. Works on corporate funding and fundraising activities. Assists the President in making the final selection of the shadow(s) for the year. Helps develop and maintain the new web page on the Region II site.
2019 was an amazing year! Thank you to everyone who heeded the call and stepped up. There is still a lot of work to be done for 2020 and beyond. Let’s keep up the momentum and continue promoting the growth and success of ICC, Region II, and all the members we represent!
Without you, the volunteers, we could not continue this great work.
Please return this application form to President, Mark Panilo at mark.panilo@anchorageak.gov no later than February 12, 2018
Thank you,
ICC Region II, Executive Board