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September 2019 meeting minutes, and October 2019 meeting agenda for Las Vegas

Writer's picture: Region II of ICC Region II of ICC

Just as a reminder, we will not hold our regular monthly teleconference call. Instead our meeting will be at the ICC ABM in Las Vegas on Sunday October 20th in the Conga room.

ICC Region II - Teleconference

September 11th 2019, Meeting Minutes Immediate Past President: Charlie Allen, Idaho President: Jack E Applegate, Oregon (541) 484-9080 (Site Administrator) Vice-President: Mark Panilo, Alaska (907)267-4975 Treasurer: Russell Murphy, Montana (406)853-5084 Secretary: Cody Gunn, Montana (406)698-3936

Meeting called to order by President Jack Applegate at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time

Attending on the call:


Representing or Calling From:

Jack Applegate

Region II President (OR)

Mark Panilo

Charlie Allen

Russell Murphy

Cody Gunn

CJ Marincus

Region II Vice President (AK)

Region II Previous Past President (ID)

Region II Treasurer (MT)

Region II Secretary (MT)

Region II Director at Large (OR)

Kraig Stevenson

Chris Ochoa

Greg Wheeler

Jim Brown

David Spencer

ICC Government Relations

ICC Government Relations

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

Ron Hampton

Mike Boso

Steve McDaniel

Sam Steele

Bryan Smith

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors

ICC Board of Directors



George Daily

John Laux

Michelle Linebarger

Nicki Pain

Brady Hickman

Jatinder Khokar

Rick Benton








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Call to Order:

Introductions: Mentorship challenge/New on call

Presidents Opening Comments: Jack – A special thank you to Nicki who is one of our military family’s program members as well as one of our chosen shadows. Military families program update- WE have now, over the last 3 days with help from WABO an WY, raised up our t-shirt sales $6000 over the last 3 days so we are extremely excited and appreciative. WABO graciously porches $5000 worth of t-shirts that they will be allowing region II to give out at the ABM. Wyoming also purchased about $1200 worth of shirts that they will also be giving out. We have permission from the Nevada chapter to set up a table at the welcome to Las Vegas event so our shadows can hand out those t-shirts. We will also have a donation can at the table so that we can further our donations at the event. If you are at the region II meeting please all show up and you will get a T shirt there. Thank everyone who has helped with the military family’s program. Michelle- Should we wear these at the Welcome to Las Vegas Event? Jack- Short answer is yes we would like you to wear them at that event. Brady Hickman has just made it on the call. He comes from an IT background. Through personality tests he found that he was matched with building inspections. He got into the college program and is loving it. Jatinder Khokhar- is on his first call and has just started in Seattle. Also thank you to the southern Oregon chapter for sending out a donation to the Region II safety 2.R Program we deeply appreciate our chapters helping out. We have also submitted our nominations for the board for those who would like to see those.

Previous and Continuing Business:

1. Approval of Minutes- August motion to approve minutes, David- Second- Mark

2. Approval of Treasurers Report- Russell Murphey $11045.97 in the region budget, AMS billed 2 hours of service in August $120. This money does not include the money from the military program. We will have around $2500 for the military families after shirt costs plus the donations from the ABM. Motion to approve, Jim, Second David.

3. ICC Board Members Comments- Steve McDaniel- Thank you for the work that you are doing for safety 2.R. He now has cuppy and will post things with him. He also wanted to thank RII for the recommendation to the board. What is the turn around time for the shirts? Jack- 11 days from today this order will be done, after a certain amount of time they send out a batch and send out a new batch. Jim Brown- ABM is coming up which we are all excited about. WE are coming down to the wire on the budget so we are keeping the CEO accountable. The board will be meeting with CrossQ which Jim will hand off to Greg to explain. Greg Wheeler. CrossQ has become a big partner out of Barbados. They are working with us to get into true international markets in the Middle East as well as Africa. CrossQ develops standards and quality of products throughout the Caribbean and beyond. Thank you to region II for the letter of support and the individual members who sent letters. You have 2 days to get the early bird special on the ABM. For those of you with plumbing and mechanical backgrounds, the ICC is looking for professionals to provide input which can be found on online. David Spencer- If you haven’t validated do so before September 23rd. The strategic plan will be released at the ABM. Ron Hampton, Thank you to region II for your work with the military program. Bylaw proposals are brought up on the ABM as well as the CEO evaluation. Pay attention to the deadlines as they will come and go. Mike Boso- Kudos to the military program it has really taken off for all the right reasons. Can’t wait to see you all in Las Vegas.

4. State and Regional Chapter Comments Michelle- The OR permit tech association is hosting their conference at the end of October at chamechita in Salem. They have 3 full days of classes that are all ICC certified. They will be participating in a Habitat for humanity build to revamp a vets housing facility the Saturday before the ABM. Jessica Iverson- The MT state chapter is having our meeting tomorrow so call in if you can. We are still working on our 2018 code adoption which is taking most of our time. We are working on having our own education conference next fall so we have a lot of work ahead of us. Also on a personal note I made the outstanding decision to hire Cody Gunn as our cities plans examiner. He is the finest code official I know and I look forward to working with him. Get a hold of Jessica if you would like information on the call. CJ- The southern Oregon chapter just had its ABM which was a huge success and excellent turnout. They have a couple of classes coming up this month, a 2018 IBC update class and a residential Accessibility class. to get that information.

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5. ICC Staff Comments Chris Ochoa- Thanks to CJ in Oregon and the whole southern Oregon chapter for their hospitality at their meeting last month. Tuesday morning during the ABM in Vegas the government relations department will be holding its annual forum at 8:30 on hazard mitigation and resilience. They will have many great speakers at this event. Kraig Stevenson- We are working on strategies to rough out what some of our subsidiaries with our new line we are all. The international accreditation service is about to roll out the suite of 8 accreditation programs that building departments should know about so look for that. Don’t forget to update your voting credentials!

New Business:

1. Social Gathering at the ABM- Cody Updated for new Schedule: we will be having a social gathering at the ABM on Monday October 21st at 630pm at the All American Bar and Grill. We are having appetizers provided by the Region so please put that on your schedule to meet up with us!

2. JACK- In august we put out proposed bylaw changes which were sent out by email. They provide 2 more director positions to the board, nonvoting. We have not received any comments so we will take a vote on that during the ABM.

3. 2020 ABM will be in St. Louis and the following year in Pittsburg.

4. Anyone who would like can give their contact info to Mark Panilo to be able to be contacted by other RII members.

Open Discussion:


XCody GunnRegion II Secretary

MEETING AGENDA FOR: Annual Business Meeting Las Vegas NV

The Region II Meeting will be healed in the Conga room on Sunday October 20th. (Add Time)


1. Introductions/ Role Call

a. Special Safety 2.R Mentee Introductions, President

2. Presidents opening comments.

3. President’s Award Presentations 4. VP Award Presentations (Usually VP Gives Presidents and Outgoing Immediate Past President Gift/Awards.) Delete this from Agenda it was just a note for the board. 5. Vote on Bylaw Change (2 Additional Directors) A Copy was posted online again now and we will bring a copy for the secretary to read out loud) edited

6. Nominations/Awards Committee recommendations for officer’s announcement.

7. Elections and Installation of Officers.

8. (New President takes over meeting), Opening comments.

9. New Business

10. Tee Shirt Giveaway, (Request for donations and help moving tee shirts to Welcome Event)

11. Adjournment

Region II Board would also like to invite you to our Second Annual Social Event!! On Monday, October 21st we will be meeting up at the All-American Bar and Grill in the Rio at 6:30 pm. We will have appetizers on us! Invite all your Region II friends!

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